Kitty Valentine Series

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Funny chick lit series—imagine an awkward Carrie Bradshaw navigating the NYC dating scene while lusting after her really hot neighbor.

Tropes:  Dating, New York City, Writer heroine, Hilarious best friend, Hot neighbor with adorable dog

Spin the wheel. Date the guy. Write the story. Fall in love?

Six years ago, Kitty Valentine took the book world by storm when her sweet debut romance hit number one on the Best Sellers List, which was followed by a string of successful releases.
Her latest novel, however, totally bombs, causing her editor to suggest she write much sexier books.
To Kitty, writing smut is the literary equivalent of stripping.
But with no advance coming in and her royalties dipping to an all-time low, Kitty has no choice.
Armed with a hot-guy spinning prize wheel, made by her best friend, listing all the different types of men she will date and then write about, Kitty will be spinning—not stripping—her way back onto the best-sellers list.
And in the process, she just might write her own happily ever after.

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The thing about being a best-selling romance author is how everybody thinks your life is nothing but one big romcom. Or a nasty, filthy erotic story. 

My life is neither of those things. Why? Because I’m a best-selling author—obviously—and therefore, I have no time for anything but writing. It’s sort of an ugly cycle.

Don’t start feeling sorry for me anytime soon though. I do make an attempt every so often to venture from my Upper West Side apartment and pretend to be an actual human being. You’ll see us sometimes—the writers who occasionally venture from their caves, squinting up at the sun like they’ve never seen it before and asking a random passerby what year it is.

Like at this very moment, as I line my blue eyes and apply a little mascara in preparation for a rare daytime excursion. I then pull my long brown hair into a sleek bun at the nape of my neck. Nothing fancy. This isn’t a date or a release party or anything like that.

When was the last time I put on makeup and did anything with my hair? Last Thursday maybe? No, Wednesday—when I met up with my best friend, Hayley, for drinks. Before that? It’s a mystery wrapped up in a pair of yoga pants.

Once again, don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t need an internet fundraiser set up in my name—besides, you can’t create a fundraiser to get somebody a life. And I’m not deliberately a recluse. I’m fine when it comes to self-confidence, and I do enjoy the feeling of sunshine on my skin every once in a while.

But writing, especially one or two books a year, means a lot of time spent with my butt in my chair and my fingers on the keyboard.

Life as Kitty Valentine is an interesting balancing act between living up to my last name—honestly, with a name like Valentine, what else was I supposed to do with my life?—and living like a normal human person. Today, I’m doing regular human things because it’s time for me and my agent to meet up with my editor in her office.

This is an important day, which means I’m breaking out a new dress I purchased on a late-night shopping binge. A girl’s gotta do something with her evenings. By the time I lift my head from behind my laptop screen, it’s too late to visit a store. They tend to close at reasonable times. The navy-blue sheath fits me like a glove, just like the slingback pumps I bought during the same shopping session. 

My latest book, Candy-Coated Love, released recently. It’s a heartwarming story about a couple who meet in their apartment building when his golden retriever jumps on her. I always meet with my team to celebrate hitting the New York Times Best Sellers list. My agent, Lois, gets an advance copy of the list, and while she could easily email it to me, she likes to maintain our special tradition. 

Though she hardly looks like she’s in a special sort of mood when she meets me in the publisher’s lobby after a brief cab ride. 

Everything okay?” I ask with a smile, which she doesn’t return. 

Granted, she’s had enough work done on her seventy-year-old face to make smiling a difficulty, but I don’t even get the permanent smirk her mouth seems to have settled into. More like a scowl.

“How’s the next book coming?” she replies. 

Yeah, that’s the Lois I know and wish I could love. This is pretty much the extent of our relationship. I write; she sells. There are no flowers or rainbows. 

But that’s okay. I get enough flowers and rainbows in the books I write. Besides, she’s a force to be reckoned with in the publishing industry. I know how lucky I am to have her in my corner. 

My editor isn’t in there when her assistant escorts us to her office, so we have to wait. And wait.

And then, just to keep things interesting … we wait.

I’m starting to get nervous. That nervous energy propels me out of my cushioned chair positioned in front of Maggie’s desk. There are fantastic views of the city from this high up, and I decide to take a look out there. As I progress across the room, the framed articles hanging on the wall catch my attention. 

Because they’re about me. Wouldn’t you be distracted by articles written about you?

Phenom writer hits number one NYT Best Sellers list with debut novel, Sweet Love. The wholesome romance about falling in love over coffee and puppies flies off bookshelves … 

Still in college when she wrote the story that was originally Harry Potter fan fiction … 

Kitty Valentine is the hottest name in romance … 

There are other articles, tons of them, charting a stellar career. Four of my books debuted at number one on the list. What can I say? I’m blessed, not only with good ideas and the ability to write them down, but also with an editor and agent capable of putting my work out into the world in a big way.

Maggie rushes into the office, making me jump in surprise as her heels click against the floor. My smile is wide, my arms lifting for a hug by the time she reaches me. This is our usual routine. Smiles, hugs, congratulations all around.

Routine doesn’t seem to be what Maggie’s in the mood for today. She rushes right past me with barely a glance and sits behind her desk. “Take a seat,” she invites, gesturing to the chair I just left.

Oh. This is new. Why are my knees knocking a little as I sit down? It’s just that, book after book, we’ve done the same thing. Heck, she didn’t even bring in any champagne. A cheap bottle of wine would’ve been acceptable. I’m not a snob.

“Ladies, we have a problem,” she says, looking from Lois to me and staying there. 

“What?” I ask with my heart in my throat. 

“You didn’t hit the list this week. The book is a bomb.” 

Maggie has always been good at getting to the heart of the matter with little fanfare, but her abruptness is still a shocker. 

“It didn’t? It is?” Look at me, the fancy writer, knowing so many words. 

She shrugs her thin shoulders. “Sweet romance isn’t selling anymore. You’re going to have to write something on-trend.”

I look to Lois, whose very stiff face hasn’t loosened up any. “Do you have any idea what that means, agent of mine?” I whisper.

Maggie doesn’t give her the chance to explain, jumping in to do it herself. “The current tropes that are selling the best, I mean. The trends. You can’t tell me you don’t keep up with what the rest of the industry is doing.”

I could just about melt into my chair, and my face is about as red as my lipstick. I can feel it burning, like eggs-cooking-on-the-sidewalk levels of heat. “I don’t exactly have a lot of extra time on my hands with the pace I have to keep up,” I point out, but even to my ears, it sounds like a lame excuse.

She lets it go, charitable for the first time since she came in. “Her Stepbrother’s Baby. Balls Deep. His Wolf Highness. Those are a few titles that are selling well right now. MC clubs are still hot too.”

Those are the titles? “What’s an MC club?”

She blinks hard. “Motorcycle club. How men with tattoos who live filthy, dangerous lives, love fiercely, and are finally tamed by the only women strong enough to take them on.” Her eyes have a strange light that matches the tone of her voice. Is it excitement? “If that doesn’t turn you on, what about bears or beasts that transform into humans?”

It’s my turn to blink. “Like, sex with a hippogriff?”

“Everything isn’t Harry Potter fanfic, Kitty,” she sighs, making me blush again. “Shifters. Breeders.”

“Breeders?” Do I even want to know?

“When a woman is forced to have someone’s baby.”

What an education today is turning out to be. 

“And women like this?” I ask, scrunching up my face. 

Somewhere along the way, the romance world I know and love has turned into something I hardly recognize. I wouldn’t be able to put the books Maggie’s describing on the same shelf as the novels my mom used to read, the books that got me into romance in the first place. My books would be scandalized. I’d have to turn them around, so the covers didn’t face each other.

“Kitty,” Maggie says, “a single kiss isn’t doing it for romance readers anymore. In your last book, the heroine didn’t even give the guy head. No anal. Not even a well-placed thumb.”

“I think that’s off-limits for most self-respecting women,” I reply. “Butt stuff, I mean.”

“No sex toys either,” she adds.

“Furry handcuffs, once!”

She rolls her eyes. “Come on. It was in a flashback scene from a seventh-grade Halloween party and didn’t involve sex in any way. You know what readers want? For the hero to cuff the heroine to the bed and screw the living shit out of her.”

“Maggie!” I gasp. 

She’s never spoken this way to me before. 

“That’s how it is.” She shrugs, leaning back in her leather chair. “Women want to be treated like dirty whores in the bedroom. They love foul-mouthed, alpha males. You write sweet betas.”

“Uh, the real meaning of beta is …” I begin.

It doesn’t matter. She bolts up from her chair, pacing in front of the window. Her heels click smartly again, her rapid pace keeping time with the beat of my heart. 

“When’s the last time you got laid?”

“I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

“That long, huh?”

It’s like I’ve stepped into a bizarro world. Since when do we get so personal? “What’s that got to do with it?” I insist, folding my arms. 

“Your characters, when they finally do it, are in the missionary position. Always. In fact, your books are like the missionary position. They get the job done, but that’s about it.” She pulls a single printout from a folder on her desk and drops it into my lap. “See for yourself. The sales figures for your latest book. Unlike the women you write, they suck.”

“I write missionary position because the man is on top and in control,” I point out. Okay, so it’s lame, but I have to redeem myself somehow. 

Lois is no help. When I look over at her, hoping she’ll back me up, I find she’s nodded off. 

Maggie shakes her head at me. “Women want hot, messy sex. Dirty sex with a foul-mouthed, hot-as-hell, take-what-he-wants guy who’ll leave them breathless. And he needs to have some kind of secret past only the heroine can heal him from.”

“With her vagina?” I ask, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

“Exactly.” She smiles, like I was asking a serious question.

“Don’t women want to be treated with respect?” I can’t help but ask. “Wouldn’t she do better to get him into counseling? I can’t write books where women are treated poorly.”

“How is being given a good fucking being treated poorly?” she challenges, perching on the edge of her desk and staring straight at me. 

I have no response to this, and she can tell. I know it because the look on her face turns to one of smug triumph. 

“Listen, sweetheart, it’s up to you. You can stick to your morals and write the sweet, bland love stories you write now—which you’ll have to self-publish—or you can write something hot, which we’ll publish.”

She leans in, eyes narrowing. “We can’t buy the novel you’re currently working on. We can’t afford to. I’m sorry, kiddo. I wish this were better news. But that’s the state of the business nowadays. Write to please yourself, or write to the market. It’s your choice.”

My choice. It’s like being asked if I’d rather die via firing squad or hanging. It isn’t really a choice at all. 

If I plan on making an income and continuing to write, which is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do with my life, I’d better start learning how to be dirty—or at least, to write characters capable of doing very dirty things.

Even if I can’t imagine doing any of them myself.

She keeps talking, but I can barely hear any of it over the pounding of my heart and the sinking of my stomach. 

So much for being the hottest name in romance.

This Bundle includes the entire Kitty Valentine Series.

  • Kitty Valentine dates a Billionaire
  • Kitty Valentine dates a Doctor
  • Kitty Valentine dates a Rock Star
  • Kitty Valentine dates a Fireman
  • Kitty Valentine dates an Actor
  • Kitty Valentine dates a Best Man
  • Kitty Valentine dates a Cowboy
  • Kitty Valentine dates a Hockey Player
  • Kitty Valentine dates Santa

About Jillian

Jillian was an avid writer and reader growing up. She journaled every day, making sure to go into great detail about how cute her crush was in class and how her life would be over if he didn't ask her to the movies that weekend. Her favorite book series was Nancy Drew and she is still convinced she's going to be a super spy when she 'grows up'!

This passion for writing and reading led her to write That Boy in the late 2000s. However, it never saw the shelves of book stores as no one would publish it.

So Jillian figured no one besides her family and friends would read her book. But in 2010 that all changed.

In 2010 Jillian read an article in the NYT that talked about self publishing. This was her chance to make her dreams come true.

In 2011 she was finally able to get That Boy published. Her dream of releasing a book was complete and she was officially an Author!

Since then Jillian hasn't stopped writing. She has published over 50 books, sold over 4 million copies world-wide, became a USA Today Bestselling Author, and is optioned for TV/Film.

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